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Version Applicability:

All CCS64 Versions

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You are having difficulty in calibrating your PC Joystick within CCS64, or your PC Joystick is not working correctly within a particular game within CCS64.




Some system setting is most likely to be wrong, which is causing the PC Joystick to not be recognised within CCS64.




General Joystick Calibration Advice –


PC Joysticks and C64 Joysticks (including Joysticks for the Amiga, the Atari, and others) work in a completely different way. PC Joysticks are Analogue and have an infinite number of positions, whereas C64 Joysticks have only a finite number of different positions.


When calibrating your Joystick in CCS64, the Area inside the Square defines where, in the PC Joystick movement space, CCS64 should recognize the Joystick to be in “the middle”.  The appropriate Area outside of the Square is then recognized as “up” / “down” / “left” / “right” etcetera.  If you move your Joystick, you will see that the cross-hair will actually move around in the box, as you move your Joystick, which indicates that the Joystick Calibration is correct.


PC Joystick Tip #1 – Disable PC Joystick Interrupts


In the Joystick Settings in the Windows Control Panel, try disabling the Interrupts option, in order to make the cross-hair move within CCS64, in the Joystick Calibration screen.


PC Joystick Tip #2 – Switch Emulated Joystick Ports Within CCS64


Joystick Port 2 is not standard for the C64.  So, for most games, use C64 Port 2 set to PC Joystick 1 (i.e. use Port 2, not Port 1).


Alternatively, try pressing [ALT] + [F10], in order to switch emulated Joystick Ports within CCS64.


PC Joystick Tip #3 – PC Parallel Port Joystick Adaptor/Driver


Refer to the following web-site, for details of the PPJoy Driver :


PC Joystick Tip #4 – PC Joystick Cursor Tool


Refer to the following web-site, for details of the PC Joystick Cursor Tool :




This article is for information purposes only.